Movie News

We could simply cut and paste stories from Variety, but we don’t. We’re too amazing for that. We RETYPE articles from Variety…


The Graboid and Chud Thinker features have inspired me. Here is a puzzle from the mind of Blofeld – also known as Chud’s shortz. This is a standard “Cryptogram” puzzle. I have taken a quote from a beloved movie and anagrammed the letters into the answers of the 8 clues. If you answer a clue, … Continue reading


I like to believe regular CHUD readers are reasonably smart — astute enough to have found our site, and masochistic enough to keep returning. We’ve been running the Daily Graboid for nearly a year now to test your movie knowledge, but how about straining that noggin?  The CHUD Thinker is a puzzle, rebus, pictogram, visual … Continue reading


How does the anarchic comedic sensibilities of Anchorman director/star combo Adam McKay and Will Ferrell mesh with the middle American sensibilities of NASCAR? Not that bad, it turns out. When I attended the Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (when is this movie screening again? I love it!) junket, I asked Adam McKay if … Continue reading


Aint It Cool News broke the story this weekend, and now SciFi Wire has all but confirmed it – Doug Jones will be making a major announcement at Comic Con this weekend about his casting in a big superhero movie. And the word is that he’ll be playing the Silver Surfer in Fantastic Four and … Continue reading


It turns out that the guy who runs had never met big Steve. I mean, how does that happen? Even I’ve met him twice, and SpielbergFilms is easily the best site on the web for anything about Spielberg, and an invaluable resource when it comes to cutting through the bullshit that inevitably surrounds the … Continue reading