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Hellboy II: A Comic-Book FILM

After waiting all day, the final bell at work rang and my shift was over.  It took another hour to get home to meet up with a friend, and from there we were off towards downtown Chicago.  What would normally be a forty minute drive had the option of turning into a full hour and … Continue reading

The great summer of 2008

Without a doubt, summer 2008 has proven to be one of the strongest and most prolific for Hollywood in quite some time.  The sheer bravado displayed on screen this season hasn’t been seen since the late 1990s and we, the filmgoer, are all the better for it. The month of May is traditionally the starting … Continue reading

Skeptics at the Con

While at Dragon*Con this Labor Day weekend, I’ll be staying in a downtown Atlanta hotel that cost me $194 for four nights.  No, not per night.  Maybe I should be worried.  I don’t understand why I was able to score a room so cheaply.  Even a space with cardboard walls, no bathtub, and a cum-stained … Continue reading

I miss Steve Martin

No people, Steve  Martin hasn’t died. On the contrary, it’s just that his career had taken such a dip in quality that he’s been passing on this plane of existence as a spirit that was once funny. Why do I say that? For starters, I’ve been watching the first three seasons of Saturday Night Live … Continue reading

A rant on Lost — SPOILERS AHEAD

A rant on Lost I made a huge mistake recently guys. I got myself into Lost. I had sidestepped the whole thing too. I watched the first season and was like “They don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. They are making it up as they go along.” And stopped watching it. And … Continue reading

First the Good News: Tartan's Comeback

Some folks may’ve heard that both the US and UK incarnations of Tartan Films had closed their doors, leaving us bereft of many future foreign film releases. I’ve been the main reviewer of Tartan US releases on for some time now, and even got my name aboard two releases (the one wasn’t actually released … Continue reading