Alex Riviello

NYC native who lives with his wife and daughter in Astoria, Queens. Has written about film for six years for dozens of websites before finally settling down at Also freelances for various websites and publications, including Fangoria.

Heading to the Dead Space

I played Dead Space a couple of weeks ago at E3 but held off on an article because I knew I’d have so much more for you guys in a few weeks, but one thing that was evident was how good the game was looking. It’s so damn cool how there’s no HUD, everything’s in … Continue reading

Rock Band Round 1- FIGHT

Last night I got a new nickname, and that name is Jug-puncher. Jug as in jugular. Cause that’s where I hit someone last night. It wasn’t much of a fight (I hit the guy and he fell down and that was it), but the funny thing is that one might consider it a fight over … Continue reading