Gabe Powers

Kick Ass Cartoon Chicks (Part One)

This is pretty much the opposite of what I promised to be working on – a series of in-depth discussions about my favorite Slasher films – but perhaps a little digression is just what I need to get back into the swing (it’s kind of exhausting getting all those screen caps).   I’d like to … Continue reading

Cardio Jump: The Worst Thing Ever

One of the more terrifying aspects of joblessness is late night television. These days cable stations have realized there’s enough sad people up in the middle of the night watching crap, so the actual quality of the programming is miles better than it used to be, but the ads remain atrocious. I mean, all ads … Continue reading

My Favorite Slasher Movies : The Mutilator

Introduction: Some film genres are obvious. If you’re watching a film that takes place in the American West, is staring an international cast (likely all dubbed), and was filmed in Spain by a largely Italian crew, odds are that you can stack that film neatly into the Spaghetti Western (or Euro Western, for you PC … Continue reading

My Favorite Slasher Movies : Absurd

Introduction: Some film genres are obvious. If you’re watching a film that takes place in the American West, is staring an international cast (likely all dubbed), and was filmed in Spain by a largely Italian crew, odds are that you can stack that film neatly into the Spaghetti Western (or Euro Western, for you PC … Continue reading