A Brief History Of Terrible Entertainment Weekly Superhero Covers (With New AVENGERS Image!)
The Avengers are the latest superheroes to be poorly comp’d together on an EW cover!
The Avengers are the latest superheroes to be poorly comp’d together on an EW cover!
I think we’ve figured out where all the rum went…
A sandwich is the start of your behind-the-scenes look at Pixar’s next… something?
Sunny inspiration on the horizon!
Pixels arranged to make you want to see stuff!
A few new looks at George Clooney’s upcoming political thriller.
Pulls from Rosemary’s Baby for a nice, creepy one-sheet.
Tilda Swinton / John C. Reilly trailer skirts the elephant in the room.
Even without hope for the film itself, the one-sheet impresses me.