
This is the big dump. Not in the hot, sexy way but in the way that it takes ALL of our content and dumps it in one spot for you. Wait, that IS hot and sexy!


It’s a good day for the forces of reason. A Pennsylvania court held up what we all know – Intelligent Design is nonsense, and that the people who believe in it are the kinds of retards who would have declared fire came from the devil back in the day. I wish these people would shut … Continue reading


The website for Sony’s Ghost Rider movie, which has been shoved back to 2007, is open, and it contains a ten second clip that “reveals” the Ghost Rider himself. Here’s the thing – it’s the same ten second clip that got leaked to the internet over the summer, and at the time the studio was … Continue reading


BUY IT AT AMAZON: CLICK HERE!LABEL: Decca/UniversalMSRP: $18.98TRACKS: 21MUSIC BY: James Newton Howard It seems that more often than not, films now are overshadowed by what goes on behind the scenes. Talk of power struggles between director and star have been commonplace since movies began, not to mention the usual talk of studio interference, which … Continue reading


No offense to any big monkeys, but CGI always looks best at home. The astonishing majesty of the American west that Ang Lee captures in Brokeback Mountain demands to be seen on the biggest possible screen. Lee is one of the great directors working today, and after a misstep with the murky and confused Hulk … Continue reading


Future wife of mine, Keira Knightley, has apparently got a thing for period pieces. And that’s fine. She’s got that little something about her that lends itself quite well to them. Namely being British. And hot. But this new film, based on the novel Silk by Alessandro Baricco, has nothing to do with being British. … Continue reading


Director Terry Gilliam’s infamous misfortune apparently followed him to The Brothers Grimm – budgetary issues, studio interference, release delays, etc. But unlike The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, at least he got to finish it, so the Celluloid Deities must have accepted whatever sacrifice he offered during production. The ambitious action-adventure-fantasy-comedy stars Matt Damon and … Continue reading


What is this? Every single day of the week (almost), a new "Graboid", a single moment grabbed from a random movie, appears on this site for you to guess the name of the film, share with your officemates, or discuss on our message boards. Sometimes the Graboid will be very easy and sometimes it’ll be … Continue reading


The latest strange sensation from Japan is coming to America tomorrow on DVD – The Fuccons. It’s a family of mannequins, and it’s just as disturbing as the mental image you have conjured. To celebrate the invasion of this nightmare-inducing novelty, we’re running a cool Fuccon contest – you can win copies of the new … Continue reading


The latest strange sensation from Japan is coming to America tomorrow on DVD – The Fuccons. It’s a family of mannequins, and it’s just as disturbing as the mental image you have conjured. To celebrate the invasion of this nightmare-inducing novelty, we’re running a cool Fuccon contest – you can win copies of the new … Continue reading