
This is the big dump. Not in the hot, sexy way but in the way that it takes ALL of our content and dumps it in one spot for you. Wait, that IS hot and sexy!

Harvey Keitel vs. Nicolas Cage

Well, in a real fight I have my sense of who would win here but there’s plenty of room for both these guys in the world, when they’re not doing shitty movies (hmmmph… Mr. Cage I am looking at you here). It’s a bit surprising that I find myself even making a statement that puts … Continue reading

The Other Guys

The first act of this movie had me absolutely hooked. Sam Jackson and Dwayne Johnson were going through typical cop movie motions and playing them perfectly straight. It was film parody at its finest and I can’t possibly justify in words how true and funny it was. Those opening minutes had me pumped for a … Continue reading