Way back before he became the best electrician in wrestling or whatever, The Rock™ got himself noticed on the football field. Now many years later, he’s graduated from throwing sweaty men around to acting, but he’s still interested in gripping the pigskin once more. Though I’d rather see him shooting aliens or punching large stuntmen, … Continue reading →
What is this? Every single day of the week (almost), a new "Graboid", a single moment grabbed from a random movie, appears on this site for you to guess the name of the film, share with your officemates, or discuss on our message boards. Sometimes the Graboid will be very easy and sometimes it’ll be … Continue reading →
Some of the more notable elements of Michael Mann’s influential and distinctly 1980s Miami Vice TV series appear to be have found their way into the new feature, specifically the expensive cars, questionable but fashionable facial hair, cigarette boats and undercover agents getting romantically entangled with criminals. Curiously absent: pet alligator. I’m still not quite excited about this … Continue reading →
Brilliant Brit triumvirate Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are still hammering away on Hot Fuzz, the follow-up to their fried gold slice Shaun of the Dead. This time they’re pointing the homage gun at cop movies, with Pegg as a super detective who gets transferred to a sleepy England town and uncovers all … Continue reading →
I’m about as interested in another Indiana Jones movie as Harrison Ford is in rising above mediocrity, but that doesn’t stop the principals from mentioning their vaporsequel at every possible opportunity. George Lucas is the latest info-blower, chatting up the film’s status while ignoring any semblance of irony and taking a shot at bombastic summer action fare … Continue reading →
Color me out of the loop. A new concept art piece from MEG hit the internet and I was none the wiser. Many of you will not be surprised at that. TV Guide ran a piece today that indicates one of the things slowing our film down is the increasing costs of the [do we … Continue reading →
Although Will Arnett’s name has been the one showing up in the trades on a weekly basis, Jason Bateman also doesn’t seem to be smarting after the apparent demise of Arrested Development. The man who once plotted the ultimate fate of supergroup The Dregs of Humanity finally graduates from third-string duty for Vince Vaughn with … Continue reading →
What is this? Every single day of the week (almost), a new "Graboid", a single moment grabbed from a random movie, appears on this site for you to guess the name of the film, share with your officemates, or discuss on our message boards. Sometimes the Graboid will be very easy and sometimes it’ll be … Continue reading →
My friend Abbie recently got a job over at Larry Flynt Publications. No, not that kind of a publication (but I would totally buy it in a heartbeat) – she’s writing for Video Games Tips & Tricks Magazine. I think the new subtitle of that magazine is actually Please Don’t Go to GameFAQS. Anyway, her … Continue reading →