A month ago or so, Walt Becker was this guy who had directed Van Wilder and now was helming some flick about middle-aged guys trying to be bikers. This past weekend, he became the man with the golden director’s chair as Wild Hogs (fiscally) exceeded every possible expectation given the combined (and seemingly waning) star … Continue reading →
Microsoft Word hates me for even typing the title in, but Gabriele Muccino’s Will Smith-starring The Pursuit of Happyness was such a massive hit that the spell checkers of the world will just have to suffer. The moderately budgeted film not only brought in a considerable domestic and foreign take, but got Will Smith his … Continue reading →
At next year’s Oscars, I wonder if they’ll have a syrupy little homage to the terminal patient known as Premiere magazine, a piece of the American film landscape about to uncork its very last issue ever. I guess it makes sense. For the first time in ever, they started contacting us and considering us a … Continue reading →
Devin says: If you head to NBC.com right now you can watch seven plus minutes of footage from Spider-Man 3, a little film for which Sony is hoping to drum up some interest. To that end they held a screening of the footage on the Sony lot this past weekend, with an introduction by Sam … Continue reading →
Those who care anything about the latter-day Mummy franchise have had some trying times lately. The director’s chair has passed from Stephen Sommers (bad, but enjoyable so) to Rob Cohen (so very much worse, and dull to boot). The latest installment is being written by the feeble scribes behind Smallville. They’re shifting the focus of … Continue reading →
What did I say earlier today about Monday news? Here’s more casting non-news we might as well talk about before someone starts claiming it as gospel: Zach Snyder likes Gerard Butler a lot and wouldn’t mind him being in Watchmen, but the actor hasn’t had any discussions about the project, much less read or signed … Continue reading →
For a while, at least, Joel Silver isn’t going to be able to show his face in public without answering questions about Wonder Woman. With Joss Whedon off the project due to creative differences and a new spec script in hand by unknown writers Matthew Jennison and Brent Strickland, the DC fanbase wants to know … Continue reading →
Click here to see clips from Decoys: The Second Seduction Our Decoys: The Second Seduction bonanza continues! Today we have wallpapers, AIM icons and pictures for your iPod – all the sexy alien babe goodness that you need to look at to make it through your long day at the office or school. Who says … Continue reading →
Of all of the recent animated DC shows to hit the small screen, I liked Superman the least. It had none of the stylish ambience of Batman and it only rarely had the widescreen kick-butt action of Justice League Unlimited. But one thing it had going for it over the other shows was its spot-on … Continue reading →
Sure, John Milton’s Paradise Lost is a 400 page poem written in blank verse, but at its heart is a great story, which has found its way into the very heart of Christian mythology. Paradise Lost is about the battle between Lucifer, once one of God’s bestest angels, and the Lord Yaweh and his Hosts. … Continue reading →