John McCain has been defended for doing a lot of things because of his five and half years in a prison camp. He cheated on his first wife numerous times, and then married a beer heiress. When Colmes compared John Edwards affair to McCain’s, Hannity’s response was “Don’t you know he was a POW?” When … Continue reading →
The House Bunny cleans up (whilst wearing a rather saucy outfit), but Tropic Thunder still gets on top of Bunny. Whilst in the living room. While Death Race watches. It’s very saucy. And a bit randy. Randy “Macho Man” Savage.
Tumbleweeds are tumblin’. Guess that means the summer’s a coming to an end. A couple weeks are left for BBQin’ but I tend to think of late summer as time to gazpatcho and read te poetry of Keats. Ah, Keats.
That Tropic Thunder dethroned The Dark Knight matters little, seeing as how the film has grossed more than Star Wars already. I bought XXX2 on Blu-Ray this week.
Who’s the motherfucker with the baddest motherfuckinist? Who’s the motherfucker not on the motherfuckin list? Who’s the cookie cutter, who’s the cookie cuttin’-est?
Answer: The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. 2. Bitches.
I guess there really aren’t that many SWING VOTErs. Also THE DARK KNIGHTS reign of cupcakes holds. Who reads these besides me. If you do, if you look for them, shoot me an email at I’m a curious.