Movie News

We could simply cut and paste stories from Variety, but we don’t. We’re too amazing for that. We RETYPE articles from Variety…


At this point in my career I have had many uncomfortable celebrity moments, but perhaps none so uncomfortable as a bathroom encounter with John Gulager at the Slither premiere afterparty. Even though I was a raving drunk lunatic whose aim may have been off, Gulager was quite nice to me, and expressed nothing but hope … Continue reading


For Crypto-O-Gram #3 I have created a different kind of puzzle that I call “Sliders.” To solve this puzzle create an Excel table of 10 rows and 10 columns (“J”). Highlight column #5 (“E”). For each row I’ve thought of a one-word film title. For each film I’ve come up with a two-word clue. I’ve … Continue reading


Once in a while there’s a concept so exceptional that everyone wants to incorporate it into a feature film, so you’ll see Deep Impact vs. Armageddon, or Volcano vs. Dante’s Peak. Needless to say, nobody wins. But at this particular moment in time, everybody loves Dick. No, not the collective penis, which no doubt has … Continue reading


I like to believe regular CHUD readers are reasonably smart — astute enough to have found our site, and masochistic enough to keep returning. We’ve been running the Daily Graboid for nearly a year now to test your movie knowledge, but how about straining that noggin? The CHUD Thinker is a puzzle, rebus, pictogram, visual … Continue reading


Do you spite common sense and enjoy junky direct-to-video action flicks, but secretly wish they played in theaters? Then The Marine looks like the answer to your prayers! WWE superstar John Cena has left behind the world of sweaty soap operas and homoerotic faux-violence for this rather ridiculous-looking bullet-riddled endeavor, in which he portrays an … Continue reading


So Bloody Disgusting’s scoop last week about George Clooney being in the Pet Sematary remake didn’t quite pan out, but let’s not hold it against them. Especially when they bring us a story as interesting – and sort of basically plausible – as this one: John Carpenter and Kurt Russell may be reteaming for a … Continue reading


George A Romero has found his next project, and while it’s about the dead, it’s not about the Dead. The movie is called Solitary Isle, and it’s based on a short story by Suzuki Koji, the guy who wrote the original stories for The Ring and Dark Water. Solitary Isle, according to a review of … Continue reading