

The Set Up…Yep, it’s another of these sons of bitches. Actually, I’ve popped in a decent amount of letter columns on one-shot Leaks, so it’s not like I’ve been THAT scarce. I hope you missed it and I hope this one has you chomping at the bit for more. Remember that I’m always hunting for … Continue reading


Mailbagsukidoji: The Steady Leak may not be so steady these days, but your letters have been, so I must share them and answer them so that the wheels keep turning on this crazy little bitch. Feel free to ask whatever about whomever or whatever, and I’ll do my best to answer it. Letters in here … Continue reading

RON #93

All images copyright Nick Nunziata & Lewis Cox III. Do not reprint without permission. * Note: I’m going to include the previous strip above the current one as to preserve some semblance of continuity in case you’d missed or forgotten the last strip. Don’t forget to enter to be killed in RON right here!The CHUD.com … Continue reading