Where the author tells you of the many things out there that make him want to become a master thief with an exceptionally large basement to hoard the myriad material things worth owning and loving. Installment One.Installment Two.Installment Three.Installment Four.Installment Five.Message Board Discussion. Good day. The love of consumption is a shameful yet glorious thing … Continue reading →
Ten years ago, I walked out of Gillian Armstrong’s Oscar & Lucinda convinced of two things: 1) a massive glass cathedral floating down a river is as oppressive a visual metaphor as a crucified Jesuit tumbling over a waterfall, and 2) the lead actress cast opposite Ralph Fiennes would be one of her generation’s best. … Continue reading →
Please send letters. MySpace Writes: Hi Nick, Jeremy Robinson (Science Thriller Author) would like to be added to your MySpace friends list. By accepting Jeremy Robinson (Science Thriller Author) as your friend, you will be able to send Jeremy Robinson (Science Thriller Author) personal messages, view Jeremy Robinson (Science Thriller Author)’s photos and blog, and … Continue reading →
Where the author tells you of the many things out there that make him want to become a master thief with an exceptionally large basement to hoard the myriad material things worth owning and loving. Installment One.Installment Two.Installment Three.Installment Four.Message Board Discussion. Good day. The love of consumption is a shameful yet glorious thing as … Continue reading →
Most ‘new directors’ that come on the scene have a history; they’re not grown in vats or elevated to the big chair after cleaning pools and handing out blowjobs. (Oops, sorry Troy. Did you want a clean introduction you’d be OK with your mom reading?) And Troy Nixey definitely has a history; he spent over … Continue reading →
I’d originally thought that Michael Clayton was going to be one of those movies that critics and audiences split on. It’s got a great big payoff of the sort that an adult audience just loves, but it’s also got a couple of weaknesses I’d figured would keep writers (as seen in Devin’s review) from buying … Continue reading →
Honestly, if you don’t know about this film or have an opinion on Wes Anderson films, this contest is of little value to you. If you haven’t seen a previous flick, you’re probably not a real reader of this site. But, benefit of the doubt and all that… You want to see it. Bottom line. … Continue reading →
Emile Hirch interviewSean Penn/Eddie Vedder interview Judging from the interviews above and the secondhand info from folks who have seen the film, Into the Wild is one not to be missed. Sean Penn is 3 for 3 as a director thus far in my mind, having made challenging and somewhat unorthodox films [The Pledge and … Continue reading →
This is the spot where I could choose to emulate our own estimable Jeremy Smith and wax ebullient about the artistic success of Into The Wild. For without a proper review, which I may never actually get to, this is as good a platform as any to stake my position on Sean Penn’s first truly … Continue reading →