Kyle Lawrence

Observe and Report: Under The Influence

Wow, another month…ANOTHER Seth Rogan movie.  Rogan is the busiest person in Hollywood….which totally contradicts the idea that smoking pot makes you lazy and unmotivated.  I’d go on record saying that Rogan is the busiest stoner in the fucking world. A good friend of mine is an amalgamate of all Rogan’s characters, so it’s really … Continue reading

Hey, It's That One Guy! #1 – Tom Atkins

***H.I.T.O.G. is a blog series dedicated to memorable actors we love, but don’t really know. You’ve seen their faces many times, but for any given reason, they aren’t part of the mainstream conscious. Sure Gibson or Clooney have got the fame, but these guys have the moxie. This is a tribute to those actors and actresses whom … Continue reading

If Twilight was a good movie……

I hated Twilight. The reason is very simple: I have a penis. Even my Mom read all the books AND watched the movie. It’s like heroin for tweens and and women over 40.  Anyway, a “deleted scene” from Twilight has made it ’round the net this week, and it’s better than any scene in the real … Continue reading