NBC Universal agrees to buy The Weather Channel

Yes!  The Weather Channel is about to get sexy!  No more boring, old pictures of clouds in front of the sun.  With NBC in charge, they’ll probably throw Hulk Hogan in there somewhere or have Donald Trump host his own show.  Maybe they can get one of those hot mamacitas from Telemundo.  The possibilities are truly endless.

I love how the headline reads NBC Universal AGREES to buy The Weather Channel as if it’s the biggest pain in the ass.  The Weather Channel crawls into NBC Universal, begging to be bought.  “Please, NBC!  No one watches us anymore!  We’ve got two shows: Today’s Weather and Tomorrow’s Forecast!  We need to be bought!”  And NBC was like “siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.  I suppose.”  

Why did NBC want The Weather Channel in the first place?  And was it really worth $3.5 billion?  I’m just guessing, but I assume the offers aren’t lining up for The Weather Channel.  3.5 billion seems a bit much.  Then again, I’m not an executive at NBC. 

This makes me afraid that The Weather Channel will undergo useless changes like The TV Guide Channel.  Does anyone remember when The TV Guide Channel just showed…well, TV listings.  Now the listings take up about a fourth of the screen while the other seventy-five percent is filled with VH1 re-runs and movie premiere broadcasts.  In a few years there will be no TV listings at all.   It’s an unnecessary change.  The TV Guide Channel worked because it was so simple.  I didn’t flip there for entertainment, I flipped there for a GUIDE TO THE TELEVISION!   I understand MTV no longer being about music but The TV Guide Channel no longer about TV?  That’s a bit of a stretch.  If NBC screws up The Weather Channel, so help me God…

Of course, I use the internet for my forecasts so it doesn’t matter much.  Oh, and I also live in L.A. so eight out of seven times it’ll be hot as shit outside.  I can just plan accordingly.