

You can’t keep a good shark down. While there was a Jaws DVD that hit shelves a couple of years ago, this is the film’s 30th anniversary, which is as good a time as any for a double dip! The good news is that the new Jaws disc seems actually worth buying. But maybe you … Continue reading


Hello, everyone! After a bit of a hiatus, this sucker’s back. I’ve gotten a few more submissions (to those who haven’t heard from me, I apologize. You will soon enough.), so thankfully it seems that the ship will stay afloat for at least a little while longer. So keep ’em coming, folks. This is your … Continue reading

RON #97

All images copyright Nick Nunziata & Lewis Cox III. Do not reprint without permission. * Note: I’m going to include the previous strip above the current one as to preserve some semblance of continuity in case you’d missed or forgotten the last strip. The winners of the Death Aquatic contest who are to be slaughtered … Continue reading


I don’t know how I feel about the poker craze. While I like the game a lot and think that anything having to do with Rounders (my review) is brilliant, I get very tired of seeing out of shape people in headphones and under sunglasses acting all tough and feel that the celebrity they gain … Continue reading


I don’t know how I feel about the poker craze. While I like the game a lot and think that anything having to do with Rounders (my review) is brilliant, I get very tired of seeing out of shape people in headphones and under sunglasses acting all tough and feel that the celebrity they gain … Continue reading


(From the Pulp Crime stories) Dirk grasped his right hand and slowly flexed it back to life. The pain surged through each finger intensely, transforming each joint into a fireball that throbbed with each movement. It hurt like a son-of-a-bitch and Dirk wondered if he had finally broken the damn thing. At least he was … Continue reading

RON #96

All images copyright Nick Nunziata & Lewis Cox III. Do not reprint without permission. * Note: I’m going to include the previous strip above the current one as to preserve some semblance of continuity in case you’d missed or forgotten the last strip. The winners of the Death Aquatic contest who are to be slaughtered … Continue reading

RON #95

All images copyright Nick Nunziata & Lewis Cox III. Do not reprint without permission. * Note: I’m going to include the previous strip above the current one as to preserve some semblance of continuity in case you’d missed or forgotten the last strip. The winners of the Death Aquatic contest who are to be slaughtered … Continue reading