Rumors. That’s something we at are pretty familiar with. And we bet you are too. So for our newest – and kind of excellent – contest, we need to hear your rumors. The movie is Rumor Has It, which opens this weekend. What’s it about? Glad you asked. Sarah Huttinger (JENNIFER ANISTON) is in … Continue reading →
For the first half of 2005 I was pretty convinced we were seeing a banner year for crapola. Thankfully the second half of the year came to the rescue, but 2005 still saw a plethora of garbage released into theaters. Picking the ten worst of these was tough – first of all you have to … Continue reading →
This is how you interview Paul Greengrass: get out of his way. The man has things to say, and you just keep up with him. He’s excited, and it’s exciting to listen to him, especially when he hits on a topic that he has obviously thought a lot about – like the post-9/11 world. The … Continue reading →
This is how you interview Paul Greengrass: get out of his way. The man has things to say, and you just keep up with him. He’s excited, and it’s exciting to listen to him, especially when he hits on a topic that he has obviously thought a lot about – like the post-9/11 world. The … Continue reading →
The screen’s least likely leading man comes from Queens, not too far from where I spent some of my childhood. In another world, Adrien Brody and I could have been best friends. But the Oscar winner and I never met until the King Kong press junket in New York City, where he answered questions slowly … Continue reading →
V For Vendetta played this past weekend at Aint It Cool’s Butt-Numb-A-Thon and it was a huge hit. Best film of the year, some people said. Fuck those people. OK, that’s jealousy talking. Unfuck those people. I just can’t wait to see this movie, and now that the trailer is here, I can’t wait even … Continue reading →
I almost don’t want to run this transcript because it just can’t capture the hilarity of Roger Bart and Gary Beach in person. They riff, they do impressions, they gesture and make faces. It was a show unto itself. You may know Roger Bart from Desperate Housewives, but both he and Gary Beach originated the … Continue reading →
I belong to NYFCO, the New York Film Critics Online, and we had our annual awards meeting this past weekend. At the meeting someone nominated Andy Serkis for supporting actor for his work in King Kong. An argument broke out – is the guy really a supporting actor when he’s playing the titular ape? Unless … Continue reading →
King Kong rampages into theaters tonight, and we’re going to be bringing you the rest of our massive coverage the rest of this week. You’ve probably already read the Peter Jackson interview (click here if you haven’t, you naughty thing), today it’s time for the beauty that killed the beast, Naomi Watts. By the way, … Continue reading →
Remember that little Piss and Vinegar thing that used to be such a big part of Well, it’s had all sorts of sex and birthed forth an offspring destined to eat it and take over the countryside. The Nation’s Punched. The rant site from the makers of By makers I mean me. Scared … Continue reading →