

A new twist on an old title: Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes By Graig Kent If it seems like Mark Waid and Barry Kitson’s revamp of the Legion to this point has been all too political and militaristic and less good-time superheroics, well, perhaps Waid and Kitson felt that way too.  This isn’t to … Continue reading


This apparently will be King Kong week here at CHUD.com. Not only does this latest installment of The Chewer Column feature loads of anger towards the giant ape’s 1976 big screen appearance, but also expect to see interviews by Devin on Peter Jackson’s remake (which hits DVD tomorrow… Why not buy it from CHUD right … Continue reading


Mailbagsukidoji: Hey folks, You have a comment and don’t want to send a letter? Please click HERE and pipe up on the message boards. Please? So, as I get rended anally by the film business I figured it’d be nice to contribute a little to the site that made me a hundredaire. Granted, most of … Continue reading


I kind of feel bad for Gregg Henry. The character actor is incredible in Slither – his every line is hilarious, and his delivery is impeccable. He has a fit about Mr. Pibb that left me almost in tears. But I feel bad for him because he was part of a five person press conference … Continue reading