DVD Review: The Adventures of Merlin Season 2
Shirtless magic and sadomasochism. But European, so classy.
Shirtless magic and sadomasochism. But European, so classy.
I would cook and sell meth myself if this show wanted me to: it’s that good!
Cheyenne, WY & Outside New Canaan.
A deranged circus clown with guns tops the news. Of course.
Luther’s Back! And he’s punching out Pornographers!
Ian finds this collection of Corman curiosities a mixed bag, enjoys alliteration and puns.
John looks at a creepy episode that exists somewhere in between Talk Radio, Problem Child, and The Brood.
Who knew the best part of a Peter Weir film would be Colin Farrell? Or any film for that matter.
Forever ever? Forever ever? We wish.
CHUD is only reviewing porn to pay its way through law school.