
2010: The Year We Made Contact

I don’t think that there’s really such a thing as a bad year of film, though I suppose there was the year before film was invented.  Sure, there are years where there are less amazing and awesome films than in previous years, but one can usually pick out a handful of great movies in any … Continue reading

Things I Watched Today: Laserblast

In the late seventies, and something that feels like it’s outta the eighties (only with less of a budget), was a small little film called LASERBLAST.  I suppose I could say that we don’t make crazy movies like this anymore, or if we do they’re just throwbacks, but this movie is crazy and I don’t … Continue reading

This is Halloween, everybody make a scene.

Barring holidays that involve feasts/and or presents, Halloween is my favorite of them all.  The creepy tone, inventive costumes which may or may not indicate Daddy issues, and candy.  It’s just great. And during the Halloween season (though Christmas seems intent on encroaching upon it), one of my favorite things to do is watch horror … Continue reading

Things I Watched Today: DeepStar Six

I didn’t watch this today, but a movie such as the one I just watched needed a little while to digest.  Yes, I watched that movie about people in the ocean that accidentally unleash a monster and have to kill it before it kills them.  It’s the one that was released in 1989.  Not that … Continue reading

Unnecessary Sequel: Point Break: Indo

POINT BREAK came out in the early nineties, and really feels of the time.  It doesn’t have the overwhelming excess of the major action films of the early and mid-eighties, and fits more in the vein of the late eighties action movies like DIE HARD which bring a more grounded feel to the characters.  Schlub … Continue reading

People Are Different On The Internet

Twitter’s been something I’ve toyed with over the last year or two.  I wouldn’t say it got really interesting until I started following over 75 people.  Many of them are from CHUD, either writers like Nick (@nicknunziata), Chewers from the board like Tati (@SantiMateo) Rene (@RFRangel); they have CHUD blogs too. And Jake (@ragingtexan).  Yes, … Continue reading

Things I Watched Today: A.P.E.X.

So, I mentioned a few blog posts ago that I was looking for A.P.E.X. on DVD.  Well, I found it on  I love the internet. It’s a Region 2 DVD and I watched it.  Yeah, I watched the hell out of it.  Now, for those that don’t know what I’m talking about (which is … Continue reading

Things I Watched Today: Stargate

We didn’t land on Abydos, Abydos landed on us. In a somewhat controversial decision, The Guinness World Records declared Stargate: SG-1 the longest running science fiction show (consecutive).  With 214 episodes, it’s no slouch in the length department, even if Doctor Who ran for much longer, even consecutively. Regardless, Stargate SG-1 made Richard Dean Anderson … Continue reading