Ken Savage


Side note, how have I written so many blogs and only used two lines from Bon Jovi tracks?* This week I thought I would take some time to salute some of my favorite “Last Stands”, those moments in a film or TV show where the hero faces off against impossible odds and we know they … Continue reading

The modern meaning of Christmas

I’m not a religious man*,  so an obvious question would be why do I celebrate (and love) Christmas? First off lets get the “Real” meaning out of the way. Christmas (for me) is not about the birth of Christ, if it was it would be celebrated at the time he was actually born rather than merged … Continue reading

Working on the Night Train.

My new job involves 24/7 cover so once every three months we are required to work a week of nights. It seems the consensus was it’s better to do them all in one go rather than split them over the rota period, which is something I totally agree with.  However it does mean that for … Continue reading

Commando: Three men's epic blog.

In late October three blogger, Donnie Sturges, Mike Crossey and Ken Savage decided to watch Commando and attempt to write a shared blog on the movie. Over many weeks and through some serious personal crap for all three parties they discusses the film in more detail than any sane man should. However they had a … Continue reading

Worst week ever.

Sorry for the lateness of this week’s entry, as you can tell by the title of this blog it’s been a bit of a crappy week. First off my dad had a heart attack on Wednesday night. He is home from the hospital now but it has been a pretty scary couple of days. No … Continue reading

A Tribute to my Wife.

WARNING: This blog is sappy and sentimental and in no way geeky. On the first of November I will have been married for two years. I have been blessed with the most amazing wife who continues to be a source of strength and wonder to me on a daily basis. Without her I really don’t … Continue reading