Matthew Vaughn Decides Superheroes Aren’t Dead, Just Golden
After killing superheroes, Matthew Vaughn will unretire them with Jonathan Ross.
After killing superheroes, Matthew Vaughn will unretire them with Jonathan Ross.
How the biggest disaster at sea crushed a Paul Verhoeven pirate sexcapade. Harrison Ford was there, too.
One of them will probably wear a black and white striped dress.
You know where you hope this train will take you, and that’s right into the Batcave.
Well, we know he looks good in a Speedo.
Stoker gets a couple of Oscar-nominees to boost the box office appeal
She will be flying high with Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace.
Christopher Nolan allegedly wants to make The Aviator 2: The Codeine Years.
Elisabeth enjoys a little night magic with Trevor O. Munson’s undead detective, Mick Angel.
You have a new notification of mutants