Jon Abrams

TV REVIEW: The Walking Dead.

  The following is a reaction to last week’s season premiere, “Days Gone Bye.”  I can’t review the whole series yet but I can’t wait to…   The fact that a TV series called The Walking Dead even exists is a special occurrence and a landmark development all by itself, so to me it’s beyond … Continue reading

13 Horror Movies Everyone Should See.

  13 is just a start.  Believe me, there are plenty of horror movies I can happily recommend to you, but I’m going to limit myself to writing about the basics, the barest of necessities.  This isn’t even necessarily a list of my own personal favorites, although there is a fair amount of overlap.  For … Continue reading

TV REVIEW: Sherlock.

  Reportedly, the BBC’s new Sherlock series is what nearly kept Martin Freeman from appearing in The Hobbit, due to scheduling conflicts.  I’m so happy that it all worked out, but if it hadn’t, it still might have been worth it. I actually feel legitimately lucky that I tuned in to Sherlock last Sunday, when … Continue reading