I have been having a sort of review block the last couple of weeks. I’ve been unable to craft reviews beyond the first paragraph unless I’m soaring on sheer adrenaline (like the Punisher: War Zone review). One of the biggest casualties of this has been my review of the massive Che roadshow that played at the AFI Fest in LA last month. Sitting through the two films together was quite an experience – good and bad – and getting that experience digested and written about has proved elusive.
Soderbergh did not hit it out the park here, but I don’t know if he was trying to do that. He has made one of the most unusual, idiosyncratic biopics of all time, one that is sure to frustrate pretty much every viewer who is looking to have a vision of who Che Guevera was confirmed. Or any viewer looking for a vision of Che Guevera at all, really.
You can click through to AICN to see the entire poster.