Have I mentioned my absolute love of RiffTrax recently? Have I mentioned the joy it brings to my life that MST3K vets Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett are back and kicking ass with movie commentaries once again?

If you’ve somehow never heard of the site before, go there and download a few… you won’t regret it. I’d recommend Cloverfield, Jurassic Park, The Matrix… actually, pretty much any one is great, although it’s best to get one that’s not just Mike by himself. (I love you, buddy, but it’s so much greater to hear you playing off your old partners than sitting in a room by yourself.)

In any case, not only has the team been knocking out track after incredible track, they’ve also been making some videos for Youtube (including a couple of Presidential campaign ones) But this one is probably their best…. and captures a feeling of terror that most of us know, and sadly know very well.

Absolute genius. How much you want to bet that a rash of imitators using the clip pop up after this?