I thought it would be easy to find a fan poster for a sixth film, but this was all I found as deep as I was willing to go.

I’m fairly certain I’ve read some wikipedia entry or another (that I’m sure as fuck not going to go find again) that had some pretty definitive statements from Meyer ex-naying the possibility of more Twilight lit. But when the feature franchise has made billions and is set to make another ~$700m with its final entry, that’s going to create pressure for more material- especially when the thrill ride and theme park industry isn’t going to be as kind to the Spoons-dwelling vampires as it has been to the rich, imagery-filled world of a popular wizard…

But don’t fret, oh ye reader sick of seeing Pattinson’s pale fucking face… there’s no real evidence in this THR piece that a sixth film is possible, just a casual agreement from Rob Friedman that yes, of course they’ll make a a sixth movie and make all the money that implies if Meyer happens to decide to keep writing.

“If she (Meyer) wishes to do it, we’ll be there to support her.”

The more notable thing is that it is Rob Friedman answering that question, as he is the head of Lionsgate, which has recently swallowed up the Twilight-releasing Summit. Friedman made the Twilight comment during a call about the two companies moving forward. He also reinforced how much fucking money they’re going to make on Breaking Dawn: Part 2 and how well they’ve synched up the handoff of energies from Twilight to Hunger Games, which will see prints of the trailer for Breaking Dawn: Part 2 all over its March 23rd release.

It’s sad to see a somewhat floundering studio hitch its boat to a one-trick pony, but Lionsgate has definitely been behind some good stuff, so I hope this is all just the necessary pandering to empower other great genre movies. One has to wonder though… what are the material options like between Meyer and Summit? Can they make a sixth film independently if the need grows too great for the merged studios? What kind of backlash would that entail?

Actually, I’m not hypothesizing shit. Done!

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