are on a roll this week. First a
nondescript, yet official, shot of Ocean’s 13 that could have been taken from
the set of Ocean’s 11 or Ocean’s 12. Now the Stan Lee faithful are treated to a money-shot of Fantastic Four:
Rise of the Silver Surfer
that could have been taken from the set of Fantastic
, Sealab 2021: The Movie, or the upcoming reality hit, scuba-diving with the stars.

As you’re aware, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer follows the antics of the
Quatro Fantastico when they cross paths with the Duke Paoa Kahanamoku of the
cosmos and his planet-gobbling employer Galactus.

Whether this photo has you running out to the local comic
shop to fill your sequel-loving noggin with Fantastic Four history or merely makes you say, “Sue
Storm is quite attractive” while stifling a yawn, Johnny Storm and Mr.
Fantastic need to take a lesson in spandex discretion from The Thing. That or we
just received a major spoiler that Rise of the Silver Surfer is also
co-starring all the pretty people’s genitalia.