I didn’t fully buy the idea that Sony dumping the Raimi track for Spider-Man and going for a cheap, immediate reboot was a way to retarget the franchise at a younger, Twilightier crowd, but damn if most of the stills coming from this reboot don’t have that bland look of a cheap teen drama. I know it’s the popular film geek thing these days to pile on the ole orange/teal color-grading, but I’ll take that over this glowing-yellows and brown/neutral earth tone shit any day.

I’m sure there’s big spectacle and fun scenes left to complete that we’ve yet to see, but so far these morning-toilet-bowl-palette stills have all the production value of a teen drama on basic cable. You could absolutely present these to some unknowing version of me from four years ago and I would believe they were from MTV’s upcoming Spider-Man High or whatever.

I really do try and open my mind for each and every one of these kinds of things once I sit down and the lights dim, but unless something exceptionally cool starts popping up in the marketing between here and there it’s going to be a tough one.

Am I just being a giant prick? Has any of the material from this film left a better impression on you guys?

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(via Collider)