Naturally everything is dependent on an opening weekend, holiday performance, and awards attention, but in all likelihood Sony will still want to be in the Dragon Tattoo business come next year. And despite reports of tension, I’m willing to bet they’ll want to remain in the David Fincher business too.
So when it comes time to make the call, it seems Fincher will be willing to take the dive, but isn’t down with dropping too many years to do so. With that in mind, he’s already saying that two and three may well be simultaneous endeavors.
“The second two books are very much one story and it doesn’t seem prudent to me to go to Sweden for a year, come back for a year, put out the second one, go to Sweden for a year, come back for a year.”
He also mentions Rooney Mara, and the idea that she might want to be able to have eyebrows for more than six months sometime in the next four years.
All of this said, Fincher doesn’t necessarily believe more films are necessary, and feels satisfied with the resolution of his first film, claiming that he’s not even looked close enough at the second/third books to know their merit, though he claims Steven Zaillian’s script for the second film is “really good.”
I’m literally about to walk out the door to go see Dragon Tattoo now, so we’ll see how I feel about all this in a couple of hours. Until then, shout out your thoughts below…
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Source | Aceshowbiz (via THR)