! Now you can enter the contest right here through Just scroll down.

People, we are seeing history being made here. Paramount is offering fans the opportunity to submit a line of dialogue that Optimus Prime will speak in next summer’s live action adaptation of Transformers. Click here to do just that (I really wish Paramount would share with us the torrent of profanity they’re sure to receive, by the way).

This is just scraping the surface – spies at Platinum Dunes tell me that Michael Bay’s next film will be COMPLETELY scripted in this fashion. Fans will be asked to submit lines before the plot, setting or characters of the next film are even decided on, and those submissions will be randomly inserted into the “script” (which will just be the storyboards reworked into a comic book). Expectations are that no one will be able to tell the difference between the script for the new film and that of Armageddon.