The Expendables was my favorite movie of 2010. Growing up, I was a major fan of Sly Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, and Chuck Norris. Throw in Charles Bronson, and those were the action stars I saw films of on a constant rotation on cable, vhs, or in the theater. Sadly, Chuck Bronson is no longer with us, but now, the rest are back in the sequel to a film no one ever thought would be made.

The sequel to The Expendables really seems to be ramping up the aging actors cast, as now they’ve got Van Damme as the villain, and new action star, Scott Adkins as his henchman. We’ve also got more Bruce Willis, and more Arnold Schwarzenegger (that makes this action fan proud). We’re going to get more than a mere wink wink cameo this time around. Just watch the trailer and see Van Damme cooly holding a blade, Willis, Norris, and Schwarzenegger shooting guns, and the collective joygasm of action fans worldwide.

Click the link, and see the clear crisp action greatness.

The Expendables II