That up above is the final one-sheet for Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance, the new Nic Cage adventure driven by Neveldine/Taylor. I’ve excitedly covered the trailer and some of the other fun promotional things the studio has done, but now the film is out in the wild (to some extent) as it’s been seen by the select group of BNAT attendees.
Unfortunately the response has not been quite what I was hoping to hear, with reactions ranging from outright hatred to mild satisfaction. Considering the conditions of BNAT (an uninterrupted 24 hour movie marathon packed into one big theater) it’s always wise to assume responses are a little more heightened than they might otherwise be, but it’s safe to say that nobody is raving (Indiewire does a decent job collecting some responses, though they missed Fred Topel’s more generous thoughts). I’m still eager to see if it at least manages to set itself apart from other superhero movies rolling out these days, as aside from a select few films, I really feel like the genre is in a rut and could use some fresh perspectives. I’ll give my time of day to anyone who tries…
The film doesn’t hit till February, and I don’t know how locked and complete the BNAT cut was, but we’ll bring you our own thoughts as soon as we get eyeballs on it.
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(poster via Collider)