Last October’s Saw 3D was supposed to be the end of the franchise. Anyone who saw it, including myself, knows that’s a bunch of crap, as there were quite a few doors left open.

According to Lionsgate’s President, the series will continue.

“I’m sure, some day, you’ll see Saw back in the picture,” Burns said, speaking on the potential return of Jigsaw and his infamous games of life and death.”

That doesn’t come as a surprise, as the Saw franchise has been a consistent moneymaker for the studio. The 5th and 6th entry didn’t make a lot, but for their budgets, they were successful. The 6th one especially was a good little film, and a nice jab at the health care industry. I’ve even come around on the 5th one. Yes, I like this franchise. I’m not in love with it, and drive around listening to “Zepp’s Theme”, but I’ve gotten a kick out of each entry continuing to one up the last one in the traps department. I want to see more of that.

I also like how he is deliberately coy about Saw. He doesn’t say “sequel” or “reboot”, so we could possibly get either one or a sequel that finishes off what has been set up in the previous films, while starting up a new mythology.

As long as there’s more Tobin Bell than that cameo he had in the last one, I’ll be happy.

Source: Bloody-Disgusting