Aronofsky’s masterpiece, The Fountain, made its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival to a truly baffling reception – it got boos.

Who were the morons in attendance who booed this amazing work? Look, I’ll give leeway for personal taste and admit that The Fountain may not be for everyone, but to boo it? I’m really taken aback, since the grossly mediocre and bloated Hollywoodland got very nice notices at the same festival. Are these guys all hung over and just don’t want to see a movie that makes them think? Or are they more interested in looking for celebs than watching movies that demand a little bit of attention?

Variety’s Leslie Felperin runs a review that seriously reads like it was written by an anti-intellectual 12 year old, or at least by a half-witted critic who spent most of the screening in the bathroom or IMing on a Sidekick. I know people who have seen The Fountain who didn’t care for it, but even they have admitted that the movie is a beautiful and well-made piece of work. Felperin’s review, which essentially boils The Fountain down to a chick flick with good effects, is about the most ignorant I have read this year, and I read Peter Travers’ reviews often.

The film is going to play another couple of festivals in the weeks to come, including Toronto, so here’s hoping that some critics who actually like movies get a chance to see it and spread the good news – the best film of 2006 is coming this Thanksgiving.