Mmmmk, well let’s just take all this “knows when to leap on the right project” stuff back.

Proving that he really is the most graceless guy in Hollywood, Rourke has not only debunked reports that he’d signed on to Seven Psychopaths with Martin McDonagh (In Bruge), but he’s essentially told the Oscar-nominated writer/director to fuck himself publicly.

Speaking with Moviefone during Immortals publicity, Rourke responded to a question about the project thusly:

“The director was a jerkoff. He wanted a whole lot for nothing… he can go play with himself.”

So I guess it’s unclear how the actor will be spending that time he’s not on the set of The Expendables 2, since he’s apparently not on that either.

I think this will come as a relief for a lot of McDonagh fans that feel he could have rejoined with Ralph Fiennes or gotten any number of talented people to join this cast before the hit-or-miss Rourke joined on. Now we get to look forward to whoever will give McDonagh whatever it is he wants along with the rest of the great cast.

Rourke’s loss.

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(via /Film)