Okay, so I can get with that poster. It’s simple and evocative… Liam Neeson is serious about fucking shit up as shown by his expression, he’s in danger as shown by his nasty scrape and generally gaunt appearance, and he’s somewhere cold as evidence by the snow. Good close-ups are always better than floating heads, and I love the tag line! But come on, we all know this poster needs to pull out about 60% and look a professional version of this…

I think Joe Carnahan would have approved. Or even better, some kind of arctic take on this famous picture…

I’m sure we’ve got many more posters and ads coming from The Grey before its January 27th release, and I hope they start getting more imaginative and exploitative before they’re through. If they do, then they’ll find more people than just me who are twice as excited to see The Grey over Taken 2 any day.

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