I can understand newly Bonded actor Daniel Craig not wanting to be pigeonholed as the suave spy type, but playing the Devil himself seems like it might be going to an extreme.

If The Hollywood News has a reliable source, that’s what the current 007 plans to do once he’s kickstarted the Bond franchise with Casino Royale – playing a different kind of silver-tongued devil in an adaptation of Brit author Glen Duncan’s book I, Lucifer. The story finds Old Scratch granted an opportunity to live as a mortal for a month in the body of a suicidal writer (named Declan Gunn – anagram alert!). Once he’s sampled drugs and whores (I knew there was a reason I loved the devil, hail Satan), he sets about marketing the film rights to his life, but slowly discovers human annoyances like conscience.

X2 and Superman Returns scribes Dan Harris and Mike Dougherty adapted the book with David Logan, and Harris will helm the film (he did rather smart work on his feature debut Imaginary Heroes). Word has it that Ewan McGregor may be the skin that Lucifer wears in his mortal form.