casThe producers of 24 are looking to bring secret agent killerman Jack Bauer from the TV to the movies in a feature film franchise. This is obviously a ridiculous idea – sitting through three hours of King Kong was trying enough, there’s no fucking way I am spending a solid day in a movie theater.

"It can be an amazing series of movies," Keifer Sutherland told Entertainment Weekly. "One of the things I’ve experienced making this show is that an audience can handle a lot more than we thought when we started — the tension, the anxiety…. If we could [compress] all the energy we spread over 24 hours of programming and put that into 2, I think we’d knock your socks off."

The audience can also apparently handle a lot more in the way of ludicrous plot points and time wasters as well.

Actually, this isn’t a terrible idea. I quit the show a couple of seasons ago when I realized that the creators would never figure out a way to take 24 episodes to tell a story without interminable stretching of storylines and the addition of absolutely foolish plot points and characters. With just two hours – I wonder if they could buy the title 120 Minutes from MTV – Bauer’s adventures could be much tighter, and dare I say it, more coherent.