csaI haven’t been reading Gawker and Defamer as regularly as I should (they’re two of the best sites out there), and so I missed this little tidbit – Brett Ratner has sent out his holiday cards, which features him and the cast of X3. This is news for two reasons:

The card gives us a full body glimpse of Kelsey Grammar in his Beast outfit, which in this picture looks like a homemade Halloween costume, and

The card gives us a full body glimpse of Ratner in his Wolverine costume, which in this pictures looks like an eight year old kid in a Halloween costume.

It’s the Ratner that has me laughing, but the Grammar that has me posting. Click here to head to Defamer to see the funny stuff on the rest of the card.

Actually, doesn’t he look kind of like Chaka from Land of the Lost, but blue? Beast, not Ratner.