If you caught the rather busy trailer for X-Men 3 (RIGHT HERE), you probably noticed there are approximately 372 characters this time around, several of which are new to the franchise (or recast from previous incarnations).

If you want a better look at that extensive cast, our Down Under buddy (ahem) Garth Franklin at Dark Horizons has hi-res headshots of all the major players (though I get the impression Garth’s more of a Superman fan).  You can check ‘em all out in full-blown detail HERE.

It looks like the yearbook from Gene-Freak High (or the cover from the Days of Future Past issue from the Uncanny X-Men comic – I have the urge to cross out the faces of those who reportedly take the loss in X3), but there are quality views of the major new heroes and villains like Angel, Juggernaut, Beast, Callisto and Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat/Ariel/Sprite. Notably absent is that picture of Colossus in metallic form that looked like someone’s first foray into the Photoshop filters menu.

The movie involves a geneticist who produces a “cure” for the mutant gene, and the subsequent dividing lines drawn among Homo Superior. Have you tried not being a mutant? Now you can give it a shot!