UPDATE: Drew McWeeny at HitFix put an email into Del Toro and Murphy and the response was that there is NOT a start date, and the project remains in-development, with all fingers crossed. Not sure where the mis-communication happened with i09, but we’ll keep an eye out for further clarification.

I found it kind of odd that there seemed to be some doubt about Guillermo’s lovecraft project moving forward, whenever I read updates and rumors across the web. Ultimately it’s an anecdotal impression fueled by a lot of “ifs” used in said articles, but in any event, any doubt that remained about the project can go far away, as producer Don Murphy has confirmed to i09 that the film is happening, and it begins happening in June. The other big news is that Tom Cruise will indeed star, as has been previously rumored.

Really, I’ll leave it there. I suspect this is going to end up being one of the most important film events in the history of the sewer for many CHUD-readers — I know I’m wildly excited. You can read about Ron Perlman’s role here, and wait for the first images and teases from the film along with the rest of us. Let us know how you feel about Cruise and the film itself in the comments or…

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