So… this is my blog. My first blog actually – feel blessed. I hope you reader(s) know the magnitude of what is happening right now…

Hmmm, that would have been a good segue way but unfortunately I have nothing to back it up. The order of magnitude of this blog is on the order of the usefulness of a horse in a pawn shop.

But anywho. What’s up? Not much? Sweet. I suppose this blog could very well be an introduction to me. There is a high probability that I am the most interesting person I know (hence how much I talk to myself – the conversation is never boring, and I usually learn something), but you might not feel the same way. Although you should. Yes, that needs to be made clear: you should find this interesting.

After much thought, I have come to the decision that the best way to tell you what is interesting about me is to tell you the things that are not interesting about me and then by the process of elimination you get the whole interesting picture (long ass sentence). Well the first thing that is not interesting about me is hair color; in fact, the color of me is just boring altogether. Except in that photo of me on the right (assuming you are not looking at your monitor from behind), the color of me in that photo is the opposite of boring. Other things that are uninteresting about me: I use the Verizon cell phone service, my bed sheets are flannel, there is a hula-girl bobble thing in my car, and I have retained all my body parts thus far, all of which are functional. So that about does it. Now everything else about me that did not appear on that short (and complete) list is interesting. Remember that.

There is really nothing else you need to know in order to read any of my future writings. By completing this course you have filled all of the required prerequisites to read said future writings. Again, feel blessed…

… like a fox in a chicken coop.