When Collider.com’s Mr. Beaks sat down with Samuel L Jackson for his new film, The Man, he knew there was only one movie he had to ask about.
Here’s an excerpt:
Beaks: One of those films that you’re working on right now is… well, it’s called "Pacific Air 121"—
Jackson: Snakes on a Plane, man!
YES! Sam L knows what’s what. He goes on to say that it’s important to him that the film be called Snakes on a Plane, and you know what? If he pulls that off, I take back all the snarky things I’ve said about the guy lately. Sure, he seems to be willing to star in any movie they’ll pay him for, but if understands the importance of that title, maybe there’s a method to his madness.
Head over to Collider.com for more of Sam L talking about that film. Let’s cross our fingers that Mace Windu doesn’t chump out here like he did with Anakin Skywalker.