Felicia Day is already a geek icon thanks to The Guild, her web series about a group of gamers playing a fake World of Warcraft-ish game. But now she’s going to be writing herself into the story of an actual series.

Bioware has just announced her involvement with Dragon Age: Redemption, a six-part web series that will tie into Dragon Age II.

Co-producer Day recently talked to USA Today about writing and starring as Tallis, an Elven assassin.

“Tallis is headstrong, she fights dirty, and she has a really sarcastic sense of humor,” she says. “I wanted to bring a modern sensibility to a fantasy character in a fantasy world.

Filming took place over a dozen days last month in the L.A. area, with Independence Day associate producer Peter Winther as director and John Bartley (Lost) as cinematographer. “They are going to take this a step above what we have seen on the Web before,” says Day.

Tallis will go on a quest to capture a renegade magician and find some people to follow her on her journey, which seems like it may continue into the videogame.

Those of you who can’t wait for Dragon Age II– a demo will hit next week. As if the wait till March 8th wasn’t bad enough.