February 6

Media: The Super Bowl.

Music: Steve and I finished three Lucky Nightsticks songs for Laker 3. The only one remaining (Torching Pants) is not going to be anyone’s favorite song on the album so we’ve kept putting is aside. The time is nigh. We also recorded three new Wizard’s Keys songs, one of which is going to be one of the most dense and multi-layered songs we’ve done. It’ll also be the closest we’ve down to true downtempo stuff. If we had any fans they’d hump to this music. But we don’t, so I’ll just jerk off to it from time to time.

Comedy: Nada.

Food/Drink: Whole Foods happened and a really nice salad was put together. A baked chicken that Catherine made. Very fresh tasting and good. I had an Allagash White and some rum, but what I was really craving was some Kahlua and of course the Conservative dicks here don’t allow us to buy booze on Sunday.

Family: Everyone was busy and in different places, but I got to spend a little time with the man and he was the cuddliest thing in town. Sofia, well she was making up for a day and a half of downtime by being the most hyperactive person in six galaxies. I hope they wear her ass out at school today!

Friends: Mr. Murphy came over and was his typical delightful, racist self. We started anew season on MLB: The Show ’10 and my Orioles (we draft teams from scratch and create our own effigies) whupped his Mariners and then won the World Series. The second year, all the free agents chose my team and he was shafted. What an abomination.

Work: Just the required daily stuff. The drama of the week made me want to not even look at my PC.

Art: No.

Goodies: Nothing. I didn’t shop for shit! Especially after finding out I have to spend more than I thought for lodging in Destin.

Screenwriting: Yep! Plugging away.

Projects: A collaborator needed an idea for a specific subgenre I personally hate. But it’s a lucrative one. And lo and behold, I came up with a killer idea.

Minutia: If I could accidentally transplant the Black Eyed Peas and their fans to the moon sans breathing apparatus, I might. I mean, it’d be an accident but still. I burned great mix CD’s for Pat. I like them so much I may have to make some for me.

Activity: While watching the football game by myself (by choice not because I’m a horrible loser of a man), I began my new routine prepping for what I expect to be an active year. It hurt.

Shrink’s Chair: No shrinkage today. I turned my brain off.

Asshole of the Day: The executive who said ‘I have the perfect choice for the halftime entertainment’.

Looking ahead to tomorrow: Work. Might try and play poker with the gang if there’s time.

The Day’s Rating:


Out of a Possible 5 Stars

Discussion thread for Finding a Discipline.
