A Truly Satisfying Day

Great company. A great ballgame [though bad result]. Great liquor. Great smokes (CAO Americano and the house blend at Highland Cigars in Inman Park in Atlanta). A great friend purging a vindictive and dangerous ex-boyfriend. A great new friend joining the mix. All drama being put to bed. A great day ahead with new friends, old friends, and lots of baseball. I get my car back from the shop. My family is healthy and doing great. The site starts a new list, which hopefully will create interesting discussion. I got news that we have locked up an amazing and beloved D.P. and one of the great production designers for the upcoming horror flick for a major studio I’ll be working on [yeah, I’ve learned my lesson to keep my damn mouth shut].

Aside from a very good guy named Paul who is dealing with a very dangerous and aggressive illness, someone who medicine’s best will hopefully mend with speed and 100% success, I can’t complain about too much today.

Thanks for being you.

– Nick Nunziata will sleep now.