So I may have mentioned my two weeks in the Midwest on Sabbatical*. The driving force behind this trip was two good friends wedding reception at the Polish Club in Dayton, Ohio. We pulled into town Friday night, ate and drank up a storm (South Park Tavern**, whoo-hoo!!!) in preparation for the following night at the wedding reception. Little did I know one of our good friends had brewed a beer in honor of the celebration and it was going to rock! Introducing the Ten-Nine-Ten British-style Brown Ale.

Boy was I in for a treat.

I haven’t had very much experience with home brewing; it seems like a great hobby and one with boundless benefits, however it’s a bit too involved for myself, and all my friends into it live back in the Midwest, so it’s hardly ever that I get to try any. But these days, with the proliferation of the technology it is quite common for everyone to at least know someone else who brews and usually the response to the culmination of the process is, ‘yeah, it was pretty good’ – kind of the same boat as hearing a friend’s band that is recorded somewhat dodgy and maybe a little indicative of a certain popular style. You know, you soak up what’s good about it and forgive any grievances because they’re your friend.

Not the case with Ten-Nine-Ten. In one word, Amazing!!!

The beer was brewed in honor of the wedding by a friend normally noted for his exquisite work with Stained Glass***, and it was also entered into some contests beforehand and took third place in one. If you’re into the beer swap/fest subculture or anywhere near Dayton, Ohio you may be able to acquire a bottle of Ten-Nine-Ten and believe you me, it will be worth it! A smooth, subtle brown ale that, for my money is easier on the palette than a long-time icon (and admittedly personal favorite, Newcastle Brown Ale) Ten-Nine-Ten is a beautiful example of one man’s home brew ingenuity and a welcome visitor on my taste buds any ol’ time.

Good Beer Forever!!!


* Always in October, always before the cold weather that we moved to get
away from


*** Check out his work –