IMDB has debuted a new batch of True Grit posters, mostly of the character variety. We get a nice straightforward image of each of the major players in the story, with the old west “wanted poster” theme still running through. They also sort of meet in the middle for a cast poster that actually rings kind of false when you can see the individual posters and know they’ve been photoshop’d together (and the damn bullet hole!). They’re good images and get across the textured, somber vibe well enough (even if I think we’re in for plenty of that unique brand of Coen humor), but I’m much happier with the new international poster, which is a more interesting variation on the poster we’ve seen before…

The subtlety of adding the landscape and removal of the cheesy blood-dripping bullet hole is enough to take an image I thought was kind of obvious and boring and turn it into something much classier to represent the film. You can see the other (enlargeable) posters below, and make sure to check out IMDB’s slideshow and coverage of the film.



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[Thanks to Draco Senior]