There’s nothing better than starting your day with some new Conan set pictures, unless of course these are the pictures available.

The chaps over at Bleeding Cool received a mysterious email with these things inside, so head over there to see more things burning, The more I see of this film the more worried I become – the sets look like holdovers from the Ralph Moeller Conan the Adventurer show back in the late 90’s, and whenever Rose McGowan is involved things generally turn ugly. I’m not one of the Jason Momoa haters, as I believe he might be able to pull it off… at least I hope he’ll be able to. And to be fair, most of us bemoaned the Lord of the Rings set pictures when they first appeared years ago and they turned out pretty well, so maybe Conan will surprise also.

One other bit of truly bad news is that Conan is currently undergoing an up-conversion to 3D as we speak, which always works well with films (see: Clash of the Titans). Balls.

For more Conan pics, Dave Oliver ran a piece back in July showing some action and jumping creatures – so check those out if you’d like to stay up to date.

Thanks to Felix for the tip.