We’re entering a new age here at CHUD, with a refreshed stable of writers, a re-energized concentration of efforts, and a focus on consistent, knowledge-backed fun. To ring in this new era for the site we wanted to bring you a truly special, truly memorable, truly incredible list that characterizes what CHUD is about, and we think we’ve cooked up just the thing.
The 25 Grossest, Most Execrable Moments in Film.
We’re here to explore the most depraved, flinch-worthy, vomit-inducing (or vomit-involving) moments ever put to film. We’re not interested in simple gore and viscera here… We’re looking for the shittiest, pusiest, cummiest, pukeiest, piss-filled scenes in the history of motion-pictures. Some will be huge, some will be small, but they’ll all be gross. We’ve also put an unprecedented amount of effort into pre-planning, scheduling, and dividing the effort for this list, so expect it to hit you every one of the next 25 weekdays (with a number of special surprises planned for the weekends!).
So without further ado, grab your nearest complimentary airsick bag (or maybe just a whole trashcan) and jump into CHUD’s newest list.
Water Power (1977)
We’re getting sleazy here folks.
I’ve been more than a little reticent to include this particular entry on the list, simply because it treads dangerously close to crossing the line into pure pornography. However, as Devin discussed in great detail in the CHUDsploitation column that made this film famous around these parts, Water Power is a legitimate film. It played briefly in theaters, focuses as much or more on plot than it does on sex, was funded by the mob, and at times demonstrates that the filmmaker had some legitimate chops, not to mention some fucked up psycho-sexual themes banging around his head. All of that said, there’s dicks going into vaginas and stuff, so make no mistake, the film is explicitly pornographic. In the way that Alien is a gritty Lovecraftian horror film viewed through the bizarre sexual lens of HR Giger, Water Power is an ultra-low budget, grimy 70s vigilante flick viewed through the bizarre sexual lens of Shaun Costello.
Ultimately I knew that we couldn’t let this list continue without this nasty, gritty gem. We’re all about the highest highs and lowest lows here at CHUD, and this is about as low as they go. The list is by no means peaking here, but this may be the winner in terms of sheer depravity. Oh, and you can buy it from us on Amazon now! (Though, I can’t speak to what cut is included in this publication.)
The warm, soapy enema fluid that’s just done a bang up job rinsing out the “vile humors” of a colon. I can’t stress the NSFW thing enough.
This unfortunate young woman, who has found herself at the business end of a water-filled bag and a tube. And a rapist.
All over this classy gentleman’s parts. While he’s intent on cleaning up the city and all the women in it, he has no problem wallowing in the expelled filth for his own pleasure. (And then that face happens to us.)
This poor woman’s dignity. A couple grand of the mob’s money. Germany’s credibility. Any sexual arousal you were planning on experiencing in the next week or two.
Dude jacks off in shitty water. Pretty gross. Add in poor lighting with cheap, grainy 70s film stock that has since been dubbed from VHS to VHS to VHS, and everything is coated with an extra layer of gross. If you’re getting your rocks off to this one, a salute to you, ya sick fuck.
Today’s installment was written by Renn Brown.